Hotel Klingler
Important info and direct booking advantages
Here, you will find all important info about your booking at Hotel Klingler as well as our current price list.
Booking directly pays off: ✓ best price guarantee ✓ no hidden costs ✓ most current availabilities ✓ larger selection of various room categories ✓ more flexibility with reservation changes ✓ attractive packages

CHECK-IN: from 3:00 - 6:00 pm | earlier or later arrivals possible upon request (please let us know if you plan to arrive after 6:00 pm) | We will be happy to store your luggage if you arrive before your room is ready.

PARKING: free parking right outside the hotel (mostly covered) | reservation of a garage spot possible (fee: € 6 per day | € 30 per week) | charging station for electric cars (registration requested) | own bicycle garage with power sockets for e-bikes

Terms & conditions: for legal rental agreements, the general terms & conditions of the hotel industry (ÖHVB) apply. We recommend cancellation insurance: Europäische Reiseversicherung

CANCELLATION: until 15 days prior to arrival free of charge | from 14 days prior to arrival 50 % | from 7 days prior to arrival 70 % | from 3 days prior to arrival 90 % | no-show 100 % of the travel price
For GROUPS of more than 15 people the follwoing terms apply: until 29 days prior to arrival free of charge | from 28 days prior to arrival 50 % | from 14 days prior to arrival 70 % | from 7 days prior to arrival 90 % | no-show 100 % of the travel price

TERMS & CONDITIONS: for legal rental agreements, the general terms & conditions of the hotel industry (ÖHVB) apply. We recommend cancellation insurance: Europäische Reiseversicherung
INFO: with a later arrival or early departure, we charge the full amount of the reserved time period.

GROUPS: for travel groups of 20 or more people, we offer special prices. Please be aware that we can only offer availabilities for groups during low season in May, the beginning of June and October.

CHILDREN: discount for an extra bed in the parents' room (0 - 3 yrs old: free | 4 - 11 yrs. old: 50 % | 12 - 14 yrs. old: 20 % | 15 and older: 10 %)

CHILDREN (FR): family room discount (0 - 3 yrs. old: free | 4 - 9 yrs. old: 50 % | 10 - 14 yrs. old: 20 % | as from 15 yrs. old: 10 %)
INFO: cribs for small children up to 3 yrs. old free | children's discounts valid with 2 full-paying parents per room

SHORT STAY: for stays of less than 3 days, we charge an additional € 3 per person/day (SUN - THU) and € 5 per person/day (FRI - SAT), respectively.

PARKING: right at the hotel (free) | reservation for garage parking possible (for a fee) | charging station for electric cars (registration requested)

FITNESS & WELLNESS: fitness room with treadmill, stationary bike, and cross trainer (all day) | Finnish sauna and relaxation room (daily open upon request) | more information here

ENTERTAINMENT: table tennis and soccer room downstairs (all day) | painting material and toys for our small guests | board games for all ages

SKI STORAGE ROOM: incl. ski boot dryer and heated drying rack for wet clothing NEW: Washing machine and dryer for our guests (located in the ironing room next door)

PETS: upon request in Hotel Klingler (cleaning fee € 13 per day | € 56 per week) | not allowed in the neighboring house

TAP WATER: We are truly blessed with high-quality tap water, which is drinkable without any concerns. Enjoy best spring water originating from the Tyrolean mountains!

SMOKING: our house is a non-smoking hotel. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas as well as in the hotel rooms. Smoking is allowed on the terrace on the 1st floor.
Do you have more questions? You will find more information about your stay here.
Of course, you are also welcome to contact us directly by e-mail at or by telephone at +43 5243 5495.